The Country Development Cooperation Policy and the Rolling Plan for the State of Eritrea


1. Country Development Cooperation Policy

The "Country Development Cooperation Policy" is a document which lays down Japan's country-specific aid policy, with a view to further enhancing strategic value, efficiency, transparency and accountability of ODA. In formulating the Country Development Cooperation Policy, the opinions of the "Country-based ODA Task Force," comprised mainly of members of the Embassy of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) office in each recipient country, are taken into consideration.  

2. Rolling Plan

The "Rolling Plan", which is the Annex to the "Country Development Cooperation Policy", is a document tailored to each recipient country of Japan's ODA for the purpose of outlining an overall picture of Japan's development cooperation for the country with the systemized list of individual projects in accordance with the priority area, development issue and assistance program. The Plan is revised once a year and shared with the recipient country and other relevant parties with a view to further improving aid predictability.
Note: The Plan does not necessarily cover all of Japan's ODA projects toward the recipient country, due to factors such as the project size and timing of the update.