Japanese Drum Concert


Celebrating the 6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development

Members of the “Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe” entering the venue
Members of the “Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe” during the drum concert
The Embassy of Japan held a Japanese drum concert to celebrate the 6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI). The concert was the last in a promised series of economic, cultural, political as well as social events by the Embassy of Japan leading up to the TICAD conference. The other events in this series were a policy workshop on the TICAD Process and Japanese Private Sector, a workshop on Kaizen and the TICAD Process and an NTV Live Panel Discussion on TICAD.

 The Japanese Drum Concert was held at the Alliance Française on the evening of Friday, August 26, 2016 before an audience of over 300. The concert was performed by the “Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe” which is an ensemble produced by Shuichi Hidano, one of the world’s most talented and renowned players of the taiko, one of Japan’s ancient instruments. The other members of the troupe were Mr. Kinoshita who played the tsugaru shamisen, Mr. Doi who played the shakuhachi and Mr. Hidano’s son, Issai, on the taiko drums.

The performances for the evening included instrumental solos, ensembles, dance, traditional Japanese songs and much to the joy of the audience, a performance of the popular Kenyan song “Jambo”. At the end of their performance, the audience called for an encore and the Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe played their last song for the evening.

For many of the members of the audience, this was their first time listening to a live Japanese musical performance. They appreciated the fun, unique and energetic show and the fact that time and time again, the artists would invite them into their performance by encouraging them to sing along, clap along to the music and even dance.

On Saturday, August 27th, 2016, the Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe performed at the Inter-Continental Hotel during a reception hosted by the Government of Japan. The reception was attended by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya together with approximately 400 delegates of the TICAD VI including African heads of state or their representatives, officials of the African Union, heads of various international organisations, various officials of the Kenyan and Japanese government.


Hidano Shuichi and his son, Issai, playing the “taiko” drums
Mr. Kinoshita, on the “tsugaru shamisen”, singing a traditional Japanese song accompanied by Mr. Doi on the “Shakuhachi” and Mr. Hidano on the “taiko” drums
A cross-section of the audience during the Japanese Drum Concert
Members of the audience dancing along to the song “Jambo”
Members of the “Hidano Shuichi Super Taiko Troupe” getting ready to perform at the Inter-Continental Hotel
Mr. Kinoshita playing a solo on the “tsugaru shamisen”
Mr. Kinoshita, on the “tsugaru shamisen”, and Mr. Doi, on the “Shakuhachi”, playing a duet
Mr. Hidano playing the “shimedaiko”