JICC Library


We have a small library at the Japan Information & Culture Centre, Embassy of Japan. From our library, one can find Japanese language learning textbooks, books on culture, novels, manga etc.
We have library membership for those who are interested. To become a library member, one is required to fill in a library membership application card. The card is available at our library. Once the membership application card has been filled in, a membership card is prepared by the Japan Information and Culture Centre. The membership card will be ready for collection by the applicant in two to three working days. Library membership is free and valid for one year. Once library membership expires, the applicant can renew his/her membership. This is also free of charge.
Membership card holders can borrow two books from our library for a period of two weeks. If need be, and also depending on demand, a card holder can renew the book(s) for two weeks.

Important: Library Rules (315KB)

Library users also get an opportunity to view display materials and watch Japanese TV programs and Japan Video Topics.
The Japan Information & Culture Centre is open every weekday from Monday to Friday except on holidays. For more details about our timings and holidays kindly refer to the Contact Us Page on our website